FreshXtend is a patented, liquid formulation that has been proven effective through over 15 years of extensive field trials, to extend the shelf life and enhance quality of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
FreshXtend is safe and all natural. This was unequivocally determined by a detailed Biosafety Test which was conducted over the course of three years, strictly following OECD guidelines.
The active ingredients are naturally occurring in many fruits, and are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) certified by the FDA in the US, and is approved and commonly used as a food additive.
Peak Harvest has had discussions with the USDA and is in the process of filing for the “Organic Certification”.
FreshXtend has no adverse effect on the taste or smell of produce, and no residue remains on the produce 24 hours after application
Pre-harvest spray
Post-harvest dip
Post-harvest vapour

Value Enhancement Across Entire Supply Chain

Benefit to Growers
Increased net crop yields with less premature ripening and drop. Enhances quality
Can time bringing crops to market to improve pricing and avoid flooding the market.
Longer shelf-life allows transport by ship vs expensive air transport.
Opens distant countries as new markets

Benefit to Transport/Distributor
Allows for better quality at port of arrival and better resistance to breaks in the cold chain.
Can time bringing crops to market to improve pricing and avoid flooding the market.
Can manage unexpected shipment delays.
Less overall spoilage.

Benefit to Retail/Consumer
Provides retailers with a increased shelf-life and a reduction in spoilage as produce can arrive in better condition and stay on shelves longer
Delivers an increase in customer satisfaction as produce is fresher and in better condition
The following crops have enjoyed significant benefits from
FreshExtend based on extensive field trials, with more to come!